First, check your Stat/Transfer version. If it is older than 10.1.1752.1018, you should update your copy to take advantage of important changes. The following discussion assumes that you are at least at that revision. Also, please look at the Stat/Transfer program group in your Windows “Start” menu. It should contain a shortcut to the “32 Bit ODBC Administration Tool.” If it does not, download and run a current Stat/Transfer installer, which will create the shortcut for you.
Second, you should understand the somewhat confusing way by which Microsoft implemented ODBC on 64 bit Windows. There are actually two copies of the ODBC Administration Tool. The first, which is reachable from the Control Panel, can only create and modify 64 bit data sources. The second, which is identically named, but located in an obscure directory, creates and modifies data sources that use 32 bit drivers and which are accessible to 32 bit applications such as Stat/Transfer. You should only use the 32 bit Administration Tool, accessible from your Stat/Transfer program group, to create data sources for 32 bit Stat/Transfer. Also, you must use the appropriate tool to edit existing data sources (See this Microsoft Knowledge Base article.)
Third, the ODBC functions that are responsible for returning the names of data sources under 64 bit Windows return both 32 and 64 bit data sources, even though 32 bit applications, such as Stat/Transfer can only use 32 bit data sources. In order to avoid errors, Stat/Transfer, starting at release 10.1.1752.1018, only displays the data sources that it can use. Therefore, data sources that were created using the 64 bit administration tool are not visible from the Stat/Transfer menus.
Finally, if you create a data source and then cannot see it in Stat/Transfer, make sure that you have installed the 32 bit ODBC drivers. Some applications do not routinely install these on 64 bit machines, and, to make matters worse, the 32 bit Administration tool will blindly use 64 bit drivers.
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