The simple solution here is to delimit your file with Tabs instead of Commas.
The most common source of this problem is quotes within strings.
Consider the following:
"joe said, "I like Cheese""\n
The quote before "I" should be "" or a double quote to tell Stat/Transfer that it is not the terminator of a string, but rather an embedded quote. If the quote not properly doubled, Stat/Transfer will go beyond the newline (which is legal in quoted string) and chew up the next line of your file in attempt to read the string. We arbitrarily put a limit of eight "embedded newlines", to provide our users with a warning that something was seriously amiss with the way their file was being read. (I don't think you really have eight embedded newlines in your string). The reason we cannot give you an error report on the discrepancy between the number of lines read and written, is that your input file not properly formed. We therefore _don't know_ the actual number of lines in the input.
For a lot more info on CSV files, see the following:
Hope this helps,
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